November 24, 2024
For this article, I want to help you pick the right keywords so you can attract the right visitors (visitors who will convert into leads) to your website. If you are new, a keyword is something that people type into a search engine such as Google or Bing. Our goal is to get in front of these people, and this is what this article is going to be about.
TLDR for Tools Needed + Free Ones (only need one):
This is probably the most important thing when it comes to doing keyword research. I talk to a lot of business owners and a lot of them think that everyone is their ideal client. This isn't necessarily true when it comes to search engine optimization. We really want to hone in on who our ideal customer profile is, because it makes it a lot easier to go after keywords that people are typing in.
We want to target an audience who is trying to solve a very specific problem for your industry and then create a custom landing page that solves that problem. Solving the problem could either come in the form of them calling your business or filling out an opt-in form or it could come in the form of you giving them the information needed on how to solve that problem on their own.
Recent example:
I had a personal injury attorney in Las Vegas and one of the keywords they wanted to rank for was, “attorneys in Las Vegas”. This wasn’t the best use for this attorney's investment so I deterred them from trying to rank for this keyword. Here's why:
If someone is typing and attorneys in Las Vegas, what is the first thing that comes to your mind about what this user wants to solve? Exactly, you probably already have concluded what I'm getting to. Someone who's typing in this broad of a keyboard could be looking for any type of lawyer in Las Vegas. They might be looking for a personal injury attorney, tax attorney, family law attorney, etc. It's a very broad term and it will be hit or miss if this user is looking for the law you practice. Sure some of those users might be looking for a personal injury attorney in Las Vegas, but it would be very little. This is why it would be better to put more of that investment that you're spending on SEO towards more targeted keywords. Which we will cover now.
After you come up with your ideal customer profile (ICP), it's time to write down queries your ICP might search on Google at the “end” of their buying cycle. These are known as commercial intent keywords.
Here are some examples for different industries:
The reason we want to start with commercial intent keywords is because these are going to be the ones that convert the easiest into a lead. Fortunately, these are the easiest keywords to discover. Pretty much what you would want to do is figure out all the different services that you offer your client and then attach and near me or a city at the end of it.
Let me give you another example in the personal injury space. The services an injury law firm typically provides are car accidents, motorcycle accidents, truck accidents, slip and fall accidents, etc. Here are a few keyword ideas that you could use.
Keyword Ideas for an Injury Law Firm in Las Vegas:
These are all great keywords to target, for an Injury Firm in Las Vegas, because someone looking for any of these terms is likely to convert into a lead. When we do our initial keyword research, we want to work from the bottom up. Meaning, that we want to target the bottom of the funnel keywords first, which are going to be keywords that convert the highest. Then, once we establish our bottom-of-the-funnel keywords, we will want to work on the middle and top-of-the-funnel keywords. The middle and the top of the keyboards are going to be more informational, so these will likely be blogs as opposed to service pages.
If you have access to a paid keyword research tool such as
Ahrefs or
Semrush, it will make your keyword research a lot easier. However, there are still free tools, such as the
Google keyword planner, and
Ubersuggest that can help you with keyword research. I’ll create a video doing research on Ahrefs and the Google Keyword planner to help you out with this part.
Above, I mentioned that we should also target the middle and the top of the funnel keywords. These are going to be what are called long-tail keywords. People who are at the beginning of their buying journey are going to be typing longer queries into Google. We want to reach these users as well since they can eventually turn into leads. These types of users are looking for information but are not necessarily ready to opt into a lead form or call your business yet.
The reason why these keywords are beneficial is because they raise brand awareness. So if you're a
personal injury lawyer and someone is looking for what to do after a car accident and your website pops up, this user is aware of your business. Then when they are ready to hire an attorney and type in “car accident attorney near me”, they will most likely click on your website because they are familiar with your brand already. This is why long-tail terms are still beneficial.
The easiest way to find these long tail keywords is by using a keyword tool but if you don't have these, you can also use the people also ask section on Google. Here is an example of how to find long tail keywords on Ahrefs:
First you would type in the priority keyword and from their go to terms match and Ahrefs will show you a list of questions people ask about related to the keyword. All of these would be great information blog post to write on if you are a personal injury attorney. This process works for all industries as well.
If you're still struggling with the keywords to pick for your business, try looking at your competitors' websites. More than likely they have done the research already which will make the keyword research process a lot easier for you. What you want to do is look at all the service pages that your competitors have because each one of these is most likely targeting a specific keyword.
This is when a keyword tool will come in handy because you'll be able to throw in their website to see what keywords they are ranking for each page. Ahrefs for example has a category that's called Top Pages and from there you can see all the pages on your competitor's website. The Top pages section includes the traffic to that page and also all the keywords it's ranking for. Here's a screenshot of that feature below:
Ahrefs, also lets you see the intent behind the keyword as well because they have an intent feature that categorizes every keyword by branded, informational, commercial, transactional, etc. Here is what that looks like:
One of the most common mistakes that I see businesses make is stuffing keywords that they want to rank for all on one page. While, you can put relevant keywords all on one page, you don't want to try to target multiple services on a single page. This will not rank well.
For example, if you're trying to rank for the keywords slip and fall and truck accident lawyers, putting both those keyword targets on one page will confuse Google. They will have a hard time trying to understand if you're trying to rank for slip and fall or truck accident and eventually, they just will not rank that page at all. So with that said, it is best to create individual pages for each service that your business offers.
So to wrap things up, here’s how to choose the right keywords to convert visitors into leads. First, you are going to want to understand your audience. Pick an ideal customer profile and stick with it. Everyone is not your ideal client, and if you think this you will not have a high-converting landing page.
Next, you are going to want to think like your customer. What are they typing in at the beginning and at the end of their buying journey? You will want to start with local keywords because these are gonna be the keywords that convert the highest. You want to make money and the money keywords are going to be the ones with a local modifier attached to them such as the city or near me.
It will be a lot easier to do this with keyword research with SEO tools such as Ahrefs or SEMrush, but you can also use free tools, such as the Google keyword planner. These tools are great for finding the bottom of the funnel and long tail keywords.
If you find yourself struggling to find proper keywords don't be afraid to look at what your competitor is ranking for. This could cut your keyboard research nearly in half if your competitors are already doing SEO themselves. Following these tips should help you with the keyword research but if you do want professional help, don't be afraid to
reach out to us.
Article By:
Founder and Owner of Chicago SEO Scholar. Kenny has over 10 years of experience in keyword research, conversion rate optimization, and ranking service based & enterprise businesses for their top keywords on Google.
He has worked at some of the top well known SEO agencies in the industry such as Alpha Dog Agency, The HOTH, and When he is not working, he is cooking at home or taking part of a cooking class to learn a new Italian dish.
The Chicago SEO Scholar is a trusted digital marketing consultancy that specializes in generating more traffic to Chicago businesses.
The founder, is committed to providing an excellent experience for his clients. He does this by providing excellent communication with clients, getting them a fantastic return on investment, and treating their business as if it was his own.